How to install Minecraft Forge and use mods,How to Install Minecraft Forge
Web38 rows · Downloads for Minecraft Forge - MC Download Latest - WebJan 20, · Minecraft Forge is on a PC / Mac only, and to install it you need to: 1. Choose the right Minecraft Forge download. 2. Download Java (if needed) 3. Install WebJan 19, · If you want to know how to download and install Forge for Minecraft , this is the video for you! We show you exactly how to download Minecraft Forge, i WebJun 15, · Minecraft Forge is the most popular Minecraft mod loader. To use or run some of the more popular mods, you will need to install Minecraft Forge. With mods, ... read more
After you click it, you'll be taken to another page and asked to wait five seconds. Once the five seconds are up, you'll see a red Skip button on the top right. As soon as you click it, you'll install Forge on your PC. Once it's installed on your computer, click it again, and you'll get this prompt on your screen. When the Minecraft launcher opens up, you'll need to select Forge. You can choose it by clicking the arrow next to the play button. A list of versions should pop up, look for Forge and select it. If Forge doesn't appear, click the Installation, and you should see Versions on the top right of the Installations page. Make sure Modded is selected for Forge to appear. Learn more about Minecraft with some of our other helpful guides:. Change Status. updated Jun 16, Disclaimer: Using mods can corrupt files if they're not installed correctly. Learn more about Minecraft with some of our other helpful guides: How to Mod Minecraft The Best Minecraft Mods Mobs. Up Next: The Best Minecraft Mods 1.
Top Guide Sections Beginner's Guide - Basics and Features Enchantments Breeding Guide: How to Breed All Animals Taming Guide: How to Tame All Animals. Was this guide helpful? MD5: e3aecf44eed14ff8 SHA1: 50a9c1f6bbaf33acc13cbafba10e75e Direct Download. MD5: c12b8bbed9d80ba6d5b SHA1: ece66bacf06d8c4cc07e6d Gradle: '1. MD5: 31bcefd6c88c4ee7a76bb8 SHA1: ecbceac4ebcd4b4c4de06f MD5: 9aaedee4edd32adc2d41 SHA1: b2e1aefab9ffada54acdd21afa6 Direct Download. MD5: 9efad1bf7bcfb SHA1: fa0e37fffc52f8d39bd0c9d0b9fc4c22d80 Gradle: '1. MD5: cd5fef5aa50a SHA1: f1bb8c7ade18c8f8efcde95eb. MD5: cf1aebdf73 SHA1: 92defa4f81defea8f01f3d0d Direct Download.
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MD5: e0f61dc39a3ba04e3ca9bec50a46 SHA1: ca16a37c1ae6fcccbfaaf71f85 Direct Download. MD5: 09fc3edd9af2cd SHA1: f78ee43fccecb Gradle: '1. MD5: dece4dc1fc9c8bf47e3aa6f0e7cdbe89 SHA1: 4bae6fbad8a29feefaab9b MD5: cee6bcebac1e13c10fb SHA1: eecfcc25ceaab26cfa87ffa13bb47e Direct Download. MD5: 01cf6aeeccba4efff64d SHA1: fb6a65bc4baa95ccfcf5 Gradle: '1. Changelog MD5: afbfdaf4dbb57bef3 SHA1: ac66c3c6bf57b8fdbb3bf03c Installer MD5: fdd8d2a24debb54e5 SHA1: b92a0dd7dae04bfb7b1dbf2e0e Direct Download Mdk MD5: 99a2dc38bddee6c6bb12d SHA1: 3efdbffcdfa70 Gradle: '1. Changelog MD5: be7b95baccdaf6 SHA1: 7bfc12bfc5b59aed2fdc9ebf31 Installer MD5: bdec51b1edec SHA1: f8c3e6caace6babff4d0bbe3 Direct Download Mdk MD5: feaeacafce57cbe7ff3 SHA1: dcbaac39ffc11bb37ff Gradle: '1.
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Changelog MD5: 80ed3d08aeabbaeb4ff1eb78c30babb1 SHA1: cfb2bbbe6ad6c92e94fc0ef92c Installer MD5: 0b94f3a41c6daee1b SHA1: 7b2ffbe50f9fefd6cbbbdffd9c Direct Download Mdk MD5: e18ef73a8f4cc3aa8ce25d SHA1: f8f5efdcfb67aaf1e4cca3c Gradle: '1. Changelog MD5: bb03a2acbcaab5 SHA1: f0a1bce2fdee6e6f55ab8a6d Installer MD5: 65aa7e8fad02ef SHA1: d11cff6ee56abbdfa9d16eed7 Direct Download Mdk MD5: f5dfab2bcebfceba1 SHA1: e59e3abcab0a74ecc13dcbb Gradle: '1. Changelog MD5: 8f5adbaded43cbafed85 SHA1: aebccc2b7abe9abbd1ae50abf Installer MD5: fbccd5f1e7c84efdfb SHA1: f0de9f6ded7fbdfdd4ce4edf Direct Download Mdk MD5: ba74beafa6e09ddc SHA1: ab3af5a8de5ecbdcefbc6 Gradle: '1. Changelog MD5: a64adbd58addceaeaae SHA1: 9cdde77cd7ecedaacaec12 Installer MD5: d7fe3fb6bc5be2bab29d30c SHA1: f60a50f1ccf11bf5faeaeabd Direct Download Mdk MD5: c4cd82bdddecccfe34e91 SHA1: 06c6e0cd6e49dda8ca1ea0afb7b37ba82 Gradle: '1.
Changelog MD5: e1ad3aa48ff4a6ee4af3f SHA1: ee24da1b82e0a41dcb9d34b6e10 Installer MD5: 4a42f2c58d3bfe8fe8d7da48ea2c SHA1: 1eeb72d97bffc9d2c7fa5bcd6fee3 Direct Download Mdk MD5: f6cdde8a5eb74fbcdd96e SHA1: 2afbdfec6ddc6da Gradle: '1. Changelog MD5: fa86bff7fee7c1ab41 SHA1: af38f1fd8cabc0e Installer MD5: db2c6eb18a30d8ebaf4fcfa SHA1: e4cfdeecacae62fcd2e Direct Download Mdk MD5: 6eadce9aaabee SHA1: ef21eb12c00dda23d60acf25d6 Gradle: '1. Changelog MD5: cb5fd2ecbcef4e8ebca SHA1: 22ceeebdbffadc1dd34cf24def Installer MD5: 43fae8dba8d6efef SHA1: efe60bea9e6ca09fe94c3a10b Direct Download Mdk MD5: f90fb0ce0fd91 SHA1: d0cf0cde2f6c9ffafede03fd58f3bdb4e Gradle: '1. Changelog MD5: 8fca37cef7f95f1c3fdc86d3c SHA1: bc53e11cce1b6e04bd8b1c93cdd65a2c Installer MD5: 6cc96fedb7ecc9c4bfbb46fc SHA1: a99d6ee9fcfbb0b8bface3b6d Direct Download Mdk MD5: 0b34ebdbf23ccaaae SHA1: bd2adb93 Gradle: '1. Changelog MD5: 95acfd1cfecedc4f39 SHA1: 22fdd12eee20cdaa1fa4a46e Installer MD5: 2ce04dfa9a8d5f SHA1: 4dcbed55c42bfcedb56 Direct Download Mdk MD5: bae8a01c06de0b9f62b SHA1: 39debce79ea24edc82dbc25aeb34efd Gradle: '1.
Changelog MD5: aada4ced78fa6af SHA1: bacfe2affb6a3bbdaeff Installer MD5: 8eea4f06df6d0b15ee26dfdbb8 SHA1: aa43ddec6cd8c5bbd9fab9 Direct Download Mdk MD5: 4ab04ccf2a78ea0ffc SHA1: 79dd45a18b54cafdc7bfaf7b9 Gradle: '1. Now that you have Forge installed, you can get some mods. Method 2. Download OptiFine for the version of forge you downloaded. Get the best version of OptiFine HD Ultra, but if you think your computer can't handle it, then get whatever version you feel comfortable with. To download the mod, click the link labeled "Download. A way to skip the AdFly is to click the link next to the download labeled " mirror. Open the jar file and install OptiFine. When you open the jar file, simply click install, then when it's finished click "OK. Put the mod in your mods folder. Your mods folder is located in your. minecraft folder If you don't know where your. If you don't have a mods folder, make one. Open your minecraft launcher. Make sure you are in the "Forge" profile you made earlier.
Then, just below the box of your profile name, click the "Edit Profile" button. In the window that opens, find the box labeled "Use version:" and click it. In the dropdown menu, select the Forge Version of the game version you downloaded Forge for. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. If you click the Adfly ad, it will do what normal spam does: open a popup, try to download a virus, etc. You Might Also Like. How to. About This Article. Co-authors: 7. Updated: January 15, Categories: Minecraft Mods. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 26, times.
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Forge is one of the best additions Minecraft has ever had. It allows you to install all of the best Minecraft Mods simply and easily by just adding them to your mods folder. The first part of adding Forge to Minecraft is downloading it. Here, we will cover every step of downloading Forge, so you can ensure you are installing Forge in Minecraft using the correct version. The first step of getting Forge is getting to the download page. That means you simply need to select which version of Minecraft what Forge for, and the correct version will appear. That will take you to Ad Focus. The creators of Forge have to make some money if they want to keep it up and running.
Because of this, you must get through an ad wall in order to download Forge. After clicking the download button, you will be taken to a site that looks like the one below. Once you see and click the red skip button, Forge will begin downloading. You may need to keep or save Forge depending on your browser. This is safe as long as Forge is in the title. You now have Forge downloaded, so we can move on to how to install Forge in Minecraft. This will work for any version of Minecraft Forge. Java is required for Forge. After you've got the Forge program open, it's time to install it into Minecraft.
It will now download and install Forge in Minecraft. If you have any issues, make sure you must have played the vanilla, non-modded version of the version you are trying to install. Also, Minecraft and the Minecraft Launcher must be closed to install Forge. To open Minecraft with Forge, just open the Minecraft Launcher. Then, once you are in the Minecraft Launcher, click the little arrow next to the Play button. When you first play Minecraft with Forge, you will have a window appear saying that you are playing Modded Minecraft. Click the play button again on this page, and Forge will open in Minecraft! You will also see the version of Forge you are running in the bottom left of Minecraft. Before you can install mods, you will need to download them. Most Minecraft mods are found on CurseForge. The biggest thing to look for when installing Forge mods is that you will need to make sure that you are downloading the version of the mod for the version of Minecraft you are playing.
If you don't get the mod for the right version, it won't work. Start by opening up Minecraft with Forge. Your mods folder will open. Now, all you need to do is drag and drop the mods you want to install into this mods folder. It's that easy to get Minecraft Forge mods installed. I do want to note, though, that you will need to restart Minecraft and reopen it with Forge for your mods to be active. We hope your Forge installation goes incredibly smooth. However, it is unrealistic to assume that no one will have problems. Thus, here we are going to troubleshoot some of the potential issues you may have when getting Minecraft Forge. If you are unable to open the Forge Installer, this is most likely due to the fact you don't have Java. Luckily, we have a complete guide to getting Java that will help you set up Java specifically for Forge and Minecraft mods.
With Java installed, you may also need to run the Jarfix. This is a simple program that is designed to like your. jar files to Java in order to make them work together. After you have got Java and ran the Jarfix, you will be able to open up the Forge Installer without any issues. After have installed Forge with Mod System Installer, you should have a Forge profile in your Minecraft Launcher. What if you don't have a Forge profile, though? First things first, try reinstalling Forge with both Minecraft and the Minecraft Launcher closed.
Usually, this will fix this issue. If it doesn't, though, you will need to create a profile for Forge. Then, make sure modded is checked in the top right. In this drop-down, you need to select the Forge version. This is usually towards the top, but you may need to scroll down depending on the Forge version you are installing. Save the profile once the version is selected, and you will be able to play Minecraft with Forge! Error code 1 in regards to playing Minecraft with Forge usually occurs due to issues with mods that you have installed. We recommend only installing mods at a time. That way, you can easily uninstall them one by one if there is an issue. So, if you do have the exit code 1 issue with Forge, start removing mods you've added one by one. To access your mods folder without opening Minecraft, click the Installations tab in the Minecraft Launcher, hover over your Forge profile, and click the folder that appears.
Open that to find all your mods. You can delete them here to test. Eventually, you will remove a mod, and Minecraft Forge will open. When this happens, you have found the mod causing the issue. Just like error code 1 we just covered, Forge exit code 0 is usually caused by mods not working correctly with either the version of Minecraft or Forge you are using. We recommend using the same process of uninstalling mods one by one until Minecraft will open. When it does, you now know which mod is causing the issue. You may just need to update the mod, or you may have to remove it altogether. Forge is the most popular mod loader for Minecraft. It allows you to install mods in Minecraft easily by simply, once Forge is installed, adding mods to your mods folder. Yes, you will need Java in order to install Forge. This is because the Forge installer is a Java program. Luckily, we have a complete guide on Java that will allow you to make sure you have the correct Java version to get Forge from the start.
A Play button will appear. Click that play button, and click Play again on the pop-up that appears. Minecraft will open with Forge! To update Forge, you will need to follow the steps to download and install Forge in this tutorial. When you reinstall Forge, your Minecraft Forge installation in the launcher should update automatically. We recommend updating Forge and all of your Minecraft mods every few weeks to ensure that you get the most up-to-date, bug-free versions of Forge and your mods. Yes, it is possible to remove or uninstall Forge from your computer. However, it must been done in multiple steps. First off, you will need to remove Forge from the Minecraft Launcher. Forge has now been uninstalled from the Minecraft Launcher. To officially uninstall Forge from your computer, though, you will need to remove it from your versions folder as well. This can be found in your Minecraft folder. Accessing your. minecraft folder is actually very easy. minecraft folder will open.
In this folder, you will see a versions folder. Open that, and there will be all of the Minecraft versions you have downloaded locally. Right-click and delete any Forge versions here to complete uninstall Forge from your computer. In this article, we show you how to download and install Modern Arch R in Minecraft. This will allow you to get the best modern resource pack! Click here to download Forge for Minecraft! Thank you! You will start receiving emails about our courses. Nic I have been playing and modding Minecraft since In , I started getting interested in creating Minecraft servers and teaching people how to do it online. This led to thousands of videos covering how to do anything and everything in Minecraft! Keep Reading. Click to Copy. To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and access device information.
How to Install Minecraft Forge,How to Download Minecraft Forge
WebJun 15, · Minecraft Forge is the most popular Minecraft mod loader. To use or run some of the more popular mods, you will need to install Minecraft Forge. With mods, Web38 rows · Downloads for Minecraft Forge - MC Download Latest - WebJan 20, · Minecraft Forge is on a PC / Mac only, and to install it you need to: 1. Choose the right Minecraft Forge download. 2. Download Java (if needed) 3. Install WebJan 19, · If you want to know how to download and install Forge for Minecraft , this is the video for you! We show you exactly how to download Minecraft Forge, i ... read more
This will install Forge for Minecraft. Changelog MD5: 95acfd1cfecedc4f39 SHA1: 22fdd12eee20cdaa1fa4a46e Installer MD5: 2ce04dfa9a8d5f SHA1: 4dcbed55c42bfcedb56 Direct Download Mdk MD5: bae8a01c06de0b9f62b SHA1: 39debce79ea24edc82dbc25aeb34efd Gradle: '1. When you open the jar file, simply click install, then when it's finished click "OK. MD5: 8fca37cef7f95f1c3fdc86d3c SHA1: bc53e11cce1b6e04bd8b1c93cdd65a2c Otherwise, the first thing you need to do is head to the Minecraft Forge download page where you'll be able to, obviously, download Forge and get started. This opens the properties menu for the file.
MD5: fd7cdee1baaff SHA1: f19fd2b7ed6cdfff14fbe26b By Jennifer Allen February 22, PM. Doing so prompts the Forge install file to download. Tiếng Việt: Cài đặt Minecraft Forge. This run the file and open the Installer.
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